February 29, 2008

Fabulous February Photos

Playing Dress Up

Feb 12 = Maya's 1 month birthday

Bring your daughter to work day
"What do you do here all day, daddy?"

Mom and Dad can't get enough of my smiles and funny faces

Baby Buddha Belly

February 2008

Maitreya continues to noticeably grow everyday.  I pack away some 'too-tiny' outfits each week.  At the end of this month she'll be 7 weeks old and nearly 12lbs (my little chubby bubby).  She still defies a regular daytime schedule, but some nights approaches 5 hours between feedings!.... although the last 3 days she went 5+, 6+, and 6 hours!  Hopefully this trend continues into March.

Her highlights this month were her 1 month birthday, Daddy's birthday, her first Valentine's Day and visiting Daddy at work.  I think Daddy enjoyed it more than her... he keeps asking when she can come back.  We also started going to a mommy/baby group for 0-1 yr olds.  So far she is the youngest... but not the smallest.  She likes to look around at the big kids learning to walk and crawl for a few minutes.... and then she mostly sleeps through the rest of the playdate.  All the other moms are impressed with her tummy-time tolerance, and head holding abilities.  This month she also began to roll over... although she shows off that skill rather elusively.  Her little smile is contagious.