March 31, 2013

Queue up the "JC Superstar" soundtrack, it's Easter!

I don't know about anybunny else, but this Easter Bunny is EGGsausted!

Maya: "If a person made these tracks they would be 'this' big. 
So, obviously a real bunny tacked all over our house last night.  Why were his paws so dusty?  He left a trail EVERYWHERE!  Genna thought he was kind of naughty and was kind of disturbed that he was in our house unbeknownst to her.
He did leave several clues that revealed the whereabouts of the Easter baskets.  Notes fell out of the ceiling fan, got into mom's car, the mailbox, and even into the Lego box, which was in the room where Maya was sleeping!  He sure is sneaky!

We left our empty plastic eggs by the front door on Saturday night and discovered they were GONE on Sunday morning.  Good thing the Bunny knew we were going to Uncle Larry's.  He hid them there.

I think we got most of them with David's help.  But Ringo may find the rest tomorrow.

The Boundless Soccer Field

Babçia - Genna discovered the tulips and hyacinths sprouting. 

March 25, 2013

The myth of the big girl bed

The weekend the fam got back from PHX, we dismantled the front of Genna's crib to convert it into a Toddler bed.  (yes... she was almost 3 years old... in a crib.)

The first 2 weeks, she fell out of bed about 6 times.   A harmless 12" fall, mind you, but of course startling enough to call mama/papa to tuck back in.  (We should have expected this.  She has a 100% track record for falling out of open-sided beds during our travels.)

The fall-outs have subsided, but now she is in the habit of waking us to get her covers back on at odd hours through the night.  She never got uncovered in the crib - so I don't know why this is a problem now.  

The bed rail set that we have does not fit a crib/bed.... so gating her eluded me.  Until tonight.  I shoved half of Thomas the Train's particleboard table between the crack alongside her mattress and covered it with a blanket.  Hopefully (1) it will not break, and (2) it will keep everyone comfy in bed, the whole night.... like back during the crib days.  

Progress?  Regression?  Who cares.  It better work.

3/26/13 3:30AM - covers fail
sometime during the day - she dismantled the Thomas Rail.  Oh well, falling out isn't really the issue.
3/27 & 28 - slept until 7am!
3/29 woke at 6:30

This too shall pass.