August 21, 2011


 Aunt Geri has been loaning us Katie's "Kirsten" Doll for a few months (ok, actually since Spring Break).  I am encouraged that Maya has enjoyed hearing the American Girl Kirsten Series (chapter books, ooh la la!) and delighted that she hasn't discovered what a marketing powerhouse the AG Franchise is.... YET.  I am hoping to quietly switch her onto the Little House on the Prairie Series and leave our piggy banks unharmed.  This photo was from the "American Girl Birthday Party" event at the Oshtemo Library.  The task here was to make bracelets out of licorice and cereal rings.  You might guess, but no bracelets left the plates in front of my 2 girls.

 Below Genna is using her shoes as baby dolls  - she loves her shoes!

Maya's going on pony rides SOLO now.  No clutching onto Mama.  In typical Genna fashion, the Bean took her first ride casually and humored Babçia with a few laps.
Steve and Peggy moved back to town just in time for the fair.  We had fun catching up with David and the farm animals.  Maya has been playing "horse show" ever since.  (Her bike is the horse, named Lucky.  Genna's horse is named Chalky and always runs away, thus getting disqualified for going off course.  Maya always wins the blue ribbon.)

Speaking of bikes.  Maya is on her 2nd 2-wheeler already.  She still cannot get it started without a hand. It's a bit too big - but perfect to grow into.  $2 at a Church Rummage Sale.
 My early Birthday present from Babçia was a baby seat for my bike.  Now we can keep up with Maya!

Here is a pic of my new haircut.

August 16, 2011

jeff's contribution

A few days ago, Jeff requested a new blog post.  (yes, I know, its getting outdated).
I told him to go ahead and do that in his free time.  After all, the motto around here is if you want something done, you have to do it yourself.
I think he picked out some pictures to post.
Tonight I signed out of BC Fleecy and logged in here so he could complete the task.
He sat down for about 3 minutes and decided it was not going to happen.
So there you go - here is your CARROLLS update.