January 31, 2012

New dress for Maya

You'd think with all the "free time" a SAHM has... not to mention, wall to wall boxes of fabric & 2 sewing machines.....
the girls would be decked out in homemade frocks 7 days a week.

In reality, the girls are fortunate enough to have excessive hand-me-downs, which discourages me from making more dresses.  Maya has always admired the yellow "treat" print and since we were home sick from school Monday, we decided to whip this up.  (the alternative would have been to play dollies)

True to form, Maya expects this to be a nightgown.  And she's quite particular about things feeling funny..... I'm sure she'll never wear it without a shirt (or princess nightgown, as featured here) underneath.

I really should break down and get a pattern someday.  I don't really have the skills to wing-it.

January 29, 2012

More Carroll minutia..... coming soon!

I just stumbled onto a revolutionary idea. (Actually, something rather "duh").
I realized that I could simply give BC Fleecy permission to post on this blog.  Honestly, one reason posts here have trailed off in the past year is because I am always signed-in on the diaper blogsite and it is kind of a pain to sign off there and sign on here and blah blah blah..... flip flop between the 2.

This is one of the most basic abilities of blogging, and it should have dawned on me much earlier.  So now I can begin posting more mundane things (that only a grandma could appreciate).....  which I'm still not keen on doing on FB.  But since you surf here on purpose, you must care!

So, hmmm?  I can't think of anything adorable, precocious, infuriating, precious, or remarkable that the girls did today off the top of my head, but I'm sure Maya will give me some good material on the way to school tomorrow.

January 15, 2012

Maya's Birthday

Maya's Birthday Weekend 2012

Thursday, January 12th
Maya's Birthday Breakfast.  Giant Blueberry Pancakes

Friday, January 13
A giant snowstorm blankets the county.  12-14 inches reportedly fell from Thursday night to Saturday Monring.  Our driveway can verify this. (A blizzard is getting to be standard birthday weather.  No snow on New Years, then the first big snowfall of the year on her birthday).  We were planning on making smoothies with the school friends for her "Special Day Snack", but it was a snow day.
Giant Snowflakes!  SO pretty!

Friday afternoon.  Time to make the cake.

Viola!  Tinkerbelle
Or, a Tinker-fairy-friend, I guess. 
I didn't feel like going out in the blizzard to get a blonde cake doll, 
and Maya did not object! (surprisingly!)
Also - wingless - I forgot to rig up some wings in my haste of getting ready for the party.
What do you think she wished for?
The swim party at the Y was fun.  Thank you to all who braved the snow to come celebrate with us.  Maya had a great time.  Good job to Papa for helping out with the swimming part, as I forgot half my bathing suit!

More January shenanigans.

Papa and Maya are teaching Genna how to jump off the bed.  
The costume is her own idea.

This is Maya's interpretation of a Diego Costume
Genna LOVES coloring!
Mermaid Bath