March 13, 2009

Special Message for Grandma

Mommy & Daddy are going to AZ next week, without Maya.  They will go bearing new baby videos for the Carrolls.......but this one can't wait.  
Enjoy, Grandma!

March 12, 2009

March 2009

Another Birthday Party!......... well, in the big Glista family there is bound to be one once a month.  Maya was so excited.  Do you think she knew it was Katie's birthday and not hers?
Maya loves her Katie.  She had been babysitting again while Mommy was subbing in the preschool for 6 weeks.  

We went to visit the Preschool on Elin's birthday.  Do you think baby snuggles were a good present?

Maya's favorite activity is reading books.  I think she's going to like school!