April 30, 2009

Getting Outside!

Maya is happy working on the farm!  
There is a big lawn to mow 
and the garden always needs digging.

Baby David and Peggy came to visit.  I think they liked  checking each other out.

Maya got several fun things at Garage Sales this spring.....like this cool scooter.  She is stopping to admire the flowers.

Daddy takes us on fun outings - like feeding the ducks.

April 14, 2009

Easter Time

Maya had a great time with Babcia, Grandpa,  & Mo.  She learned that doggies say "woof woof" while Mommy & Daddy were in Phoenix.  When we got home- she wouldn't let go of mommy for 2 weeks. 

Beth & Sarah had a sleepover with Maya during Spring Break.  Then we went to see Aunt Geri & Uncle Frank's babies.  Maya looked but didn't touch!
Maya was the lone participant in a short lived egg-hunt at the Farm.  She really wanted to play football with the big kids instead.

Where's dat wascally wabbit?