August 31, 2015

Bluegrass Country

In mid-August we has the opportunity to combine some of Jeff's speaking engagements with a family road trip.  We began with an early morning drive to southern Indiana for a lunch-time gig, en route to Louisville.  After going out for BBQ and spending the night in a fancy hotel, we hit the road south to Mammoth Cave.  We camped 2 nights here and did 2 cave tours.  The girls got another Junior Ranger badge.

Like mother like daughter.  

Ranger Mary awarding badges.
On our way across the state we stopped at Lake Cumberland.  The draw of the lake is so boat-oriented, the woman at the Marina Lodge desk could not even think of a recommendation for a drive-up swimming hole.  Finally we found one and enjoyed a quick warm dip and some jumps before an afternoon rainstorm.

The girls' highlight of the trip was the Kentucky Horse Park.  (OK, that was probably a second to the hotels with pools.).  Since Maya caught a bit of horse fever over the summer at Girl Scout Camp, she was eager to spend time with the equines.  The only riding they were old enough for was the pony ride, but what they really wanted was to spend time petting the horses in the paddocks.  We had to drag Maya away as it started to drizzle.  The Park was a bit of a let-down (to mom), as the KY School Children had already gone back to school and they seemed to be in a maintenance mode rather than wanting to be bothered by inquisitive tourists.  The grounds would have been more lively if there had been a show the calendar, but as we arrived on a Monday, one had just left and the next one had not yet begun.

Maya's first (horse) kiss!

Ohio River Bridge at "The Banks" park in Cincinnati    

We wrapped up the midwest tour across the river from Cincinnati.  Even though the girls are generally miserable while traveling, human nature forces us to remember the positive experiences and downplay the minute by minute tedium.  So I guess, there will be more travels in our future.  

August 10, 2015

CHI 2016

Jeff had another Gastro Conference in Chicago and invited the family.  Maya and I took him up on the offer, but Genna could not imagine ALL THE WALKING!  She opted to have a stay over with Babçia at Grandma's.  She even got to go to a dairy farm with Uncle Joe and Aunt Julie.
At the Zoo
Sears Tower off the port bow!
Maya and I hit up many sights while Papa was working.  We stared with a cab ride to the Lincoln Park zoo and a bus ride back to the Fairmont Hotel.  The next day we rode the bus to the Museum of Science and Industry and met Papa for sushi across from Millennium Park for dinner.  Our last morning we took the Chicago Water Taxi to Chinatown, enjoyed the riverside architecture, and shopped for Asian snacks.
A walk to Navy Pier