September 30, 2008

September 2008

We did a lot of walking this month.

Kal-Haven Trail
"I need a snack.  Has anyone seen my rice puffs?"

Binder Park Zoo

Bishop's Bog - this little park in Portage had a unique plastic boardwalk, that literally floated on the Bog.  We were here a few weeks after some serious rain and the trail actually went under water as our weight passed over.  We began at the south entrance and when we reached the other end, there was a sign at the north entrance that said "trail closed".  OOPS!

September 2, 2008

Camp Chief Ouray's 100th Anniversary

Don't worry about the dirt, I'm at camp.

We travelled to Colorado for Labor Day Weekend to celebrate Camp Chief Ouray's 100th Anniversary.  It was great to see many old friends and introduce them to Maya.

Lisa, Amber, Maya and Daddy check out the 
original CCO Lodge.

"Please store personal items under the seat in front of you"...

Once again, she was a good traveller (2.5 hour drive to Midway, 3 hour flight, 2 hour drive to Granby!)  Luckily for our fellow travelers she happily ate, slept, and played on the plane.