I hope all of you have received our new address by now. (If not, e-mail me). The week after our vacation we moved (3 miles away) to a larger home in a quiet cul-de-sac. Now we have plenty of space inside & out. Maya likes to scamper up and down the hill in her yard... like the bunnies we see out the window.
Thank you Babçia, Sarah, Beth, Ann, & Katie for entertaining Maya during the box shuffle. She had so much fun with you. It was a tremendous HELP to us!
Our new neighbors....
Maya's bedroom has the best view for spying wildlife! On our 2nd morning here she woke up to 2 bunnies outside her window. Today we watched 3 bluejays and some yet-unidentified yellowish birds taking a bath in a puddle. This evening we came home to find a family of 8 young turkeys with their mother. I was so surprised and thrilled, I think I scared Maya with my enthusiasm while desperately looking for the camera (and new batteries). Later when I asked her if she wanted to see if the turkeys were still there she clung to me and said, "no-no, no-no."
If you know what our old "backyard" was like - you can appreciate my excitement over these common-everyday woodland creatures.
Little Miss also got a trike to go with her new driveway. (The helmet was her idea) She can't actually reach the pedals - but she loves getting pushed around while she holds her feet up.