Papa: "I sure do love you, Maya"
Maya: "I sure do love Mommy"
The best Papa-time of the day now is NAKED HUG - as we're getting ready for bed and changing into jammies. Other than that, poor Papa isn't getting a lot of appreciation these days. Little Miss is becoming an exclusive, clingy Mama's girl......and fusses a lot...... and whines a ton........and likes to say "I'm a baby!"....... hmmmmm, you see where these stereotypes are pointing???
Maya loves to play in the snow. If we're willing, and the temp is over 25F, we let her. She LOVES making snow angels and putting apples in the backyard for the HUGE turkeys. On Valentine's Day Daddy took her on the sled through the woods out back (which we've never explored) and Maya says they saw "poop tracks"..... meaning deer tracks.... and yes, poop.
What was I thinking???
I have actually managed to over schedule a 2-yr-old. Since New Years we have: a Monday morning Toddler Gym class @ the YMCA, I have a Monday night Yoga Class, our playgroup is Tuesday morning, baby ballet is Wednesday morning, and then we usually go to the library once a week, too! Maya enjoys all of these things, but I think it was a bit ambitious on my part. At least the Gym class is over now. We (I) need to start slowing down.
Besides coming up with the perfect, leakproof, night-time solution, I currently have plenty of dipes for Maya..... but I keep experimenting with new styles & fabrics. The closest I am getting to overnight success is with the felted wool covers I am upcycle-ing from sweaters. (If you have any going to Goodwill this season, save them for me!). Above are photos of Maya's wooly butts (she names all her dipes) and below is the "OmButt" cover I made for our yoga teacher (with an 8 month old). I have sold enough to cover the expenses of the materials I've been buying, so I do not feel too bad continuing to play with this hobby/obsession.