September 22, 2012

One of those Quintessential FB Posts

Status Update:  "My Poor Baby is sick!  :(  "
and here is a poorly-lit over-flashed picture to prove it.

Yes - little Genna was slowed down by a fever today.   She actually fell asleep on the couch before dinner. (Which never happens. - my children only fall asleep in their beds).  Baby girl even turned down her beloved "bite wide" after dinner.

Now we need something to knock Maya out.  She has been on a crazy streak since school's started.

Update: she slept in and was fine in the morning ..... then we took a bite wide after breakfast.  Perhaps it was her final molars.

P.S. Bon Voyage Babçia.  We loved having you and look forward to seeing you soon!

September 7, 2012

Future English Major?

Some kids want one more story at bedtime.
Or a drink of water.
Or endless hugs & kisses.

Maya wants Language Arts.
She tells us if she feels like doing opposites, homonyms/homophones, synonyms, or rhymes at bedtime.
What a girl!