January 13, 2013

Sakes Alive! Maya is Five!

Maya had a super busy weekend.  Her birthday, Saturday, was the first day of basketball at the Y.  Maya is very into being a sport girl and was so excited to join the team.  Excitement turned to butterflies as soon as we got to the gym.  But after the initial coaches huddle she thought it was the greatest thing ever and wanted to do it again.... immediately.  Which may be a good idea - she really needs to work on the basics.

See Maya back there? - the only one that did not want to wear her golden "Wolves" shirt.

For Christmas & her birthday, Maya got some wonderful vintage (ok, hand-me-down) crafting toys.  Here on her birthday she is taking the Fisher Price Table Loom for a spin.  She plans to make a blanket for baby Alex.... eventually. She did get half way up the weft by the end of the day.  I don't remember ever completing a project on this thing 30 years ago so that's pretty good.  (Did I use weft correctly there, or is it the warp?)

My first ICE CREAM cake.  White Chocolate Fairy was fashioned by the portraiture method described by the Hansens in http://www.thewhimsicalbakehouse.com/books

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, Devil's Food Cake, Vanilla Ice Cream "Frosting".  Made in the Angel Food Cake Pan.  I must admit, I did steer Maya towards Mint.  Her first instinct was Butter Pecan.  But the party theme was Winter Faeries.... so obviously Mint was the most appropriate choice.
Ice Cream Cake was not as difficult as I was led to believe, but I was not thrilled with the effect of using ice cream as the frosting.  I'll have to try again.

Thanks to Angela, David, Maggie, James, Alex & parents for celebrating with us.