July 6, 2013

this sums it up

There are other, more dramatic accounts out there (here's a good one).  But this image sums it up.  
image credit unknown

P.S. - ask Jeff about his French Press.  He has an incredible story!

July 3, 2013


Maya is getting good at Jump Rope.  And you should see her Hula Hoop!

Our first bowling outing...... was about 2 years premature.  

Maya and one of her school besties on the way to the zoo.  Poor Maya was mortified that she had to be buckled (as a preschooler, unlike her kindergarten classmates.  I think this rule applies to children who are 3 years old, which is only one of the preschoolers....but Maya's teacher insisted.)

I'm sure other people have fallen into Uncle Larry's Lake, but I cannot recall any stories.  Of course, send Jeff and the girls fishing for the first time and look what happens!

SLYTHERIN!  Oh, she really does have Ankyloglossia.  Oops, we didn't clip.

Picking berries with Maritza & Angela.  I am pretty sure Genna did not contribute one berry to our harvest.  We took home 15 quarts and made 9 jars of jam.  My first canning attempt without Babçia!

Our container gardens.  I suppose 4 zucchini should not be growing in one small pot.  I transplanted one out.  Hope the other 3 do fine. 

Hangin' with cousins!  We are so glad to have David & Alex nearby.

Taekwondo master