October 2, 2010

It's Natural!

Jeff seemed alarmed the other day when he noticed Maya was playing with her baby.  She was feeding her dollie.......ok, she was "nursing" the baby.  He alerted me to this like I should be aware.
Uh yeah, duh!  That IS how you feed a baby!  I'm proud of Maya for recognizing this fact and practicing being a good little mommy.  Sometimes she asks to feed Genna.  I tell her that she cannot really feed a baby until she is older and a real mommy.  So she thinks Genna might wait for her to do that!
So if you happen to witness some random act of nursing (make believe or otherwise) just play it cool, like it's NATURAL........ because it is!

1 comment:

Nicholle said...

Love this, my middle son would nurse his doll:)