October 13, 2011

MVP - "Mini Van Plan"

Maya plans her birthday cake all year round.  One of her favorite bedtime stories is a cake design book.  Her birthday request is always centered around her favorite theme of the moment.  She generally plans on having a princess cake, doll cake (again) or sometimes a Dora cake.  But now she wants a Minivan cake.  You know when the item hits the birthday-cake-design request that it holds a very special place in her heart.

The MV obsession began in August when she had several occasions to ride in Aunt Joy's.  (Ok, I acknowledge, this is a pretty sweet ride, from the passenger's perspective). Then in September we stumbled upon the minivan mecca, A.K.A. "Preschool Pick-up/Drop-off".

Poor Maya is so conflicted.  I've explained to her that having a car that is larger than you need is not good for the earth.  She IS catching on and earnestly does not appreciate producers of "stinky smoke".  However she remains attached to the dream of owning a minivan.  At least she's decided that hers will run on wind-power batteries.  Hopefully in 13 years, those will be available.

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