February 26, 2012

Foiled by Frontier

Despite our moratorium on travel this year, Maya & Papa were supposed to take a trip to Phoenix this weekend.  On Thursday afternoon the weekend's snow forecast scared Frontier Airline to cancel outgoing flights from Grand Rapids.  A suitable alternative carrier could not be found and the 2 remained snowbound in Michigan.  

 The accumulation Friday did not seem to merit any flight cancellations, but by Saturday morning it seemed a bit more appropriate.  Luckily Angela came over for a snowy playdate.  

Then Maya spent 3 hours Saturday afternoon crafting this Dora movie theater, almost entirely by herself.  With a red curtain that goes up and down.  She copied the "marquee sign" off a card so she wouldn't have to ask me how to spell it.

February 24, 2012

One bad chicken

Today Genna did not nap.  That happens occasionally.  She got one very needed diaper change and we tried a re-do.  It didn't take.  She talked and played in her crib for a while and eventually gave in to fussing and calling for Mama.  After a while, I gave up and went to get her.
As soon as I opened her door she did a somersault in her crib, stood up and laughed.
I scooped her up and told her, as Papa often quips, "You're one bad chicken."
To which she replied,
2 little fingers blazoned and all.  See, Jeff has taught her that she is 2, which she is not quite.  Yet, she likes to tell everyone that she is.

I suppose if you just figured out that you can do a somersault in your crib, there is no use in settling down for a nap.  And she is not ONE anything.  She is TWO.  (almost)

Aye, Yenita!

February 10, 2012

helper of the week

Genna is at the critical age when she thinks helping with chores is fun and she can almost satisfactorily complete some tasks. 
Well, at least me calling Genna the "Helper of the Week" is antagonizing Maya into being more helpful

Yup, I let her use a real knife. what of it.

Genna cannot go up or down the stairs with any less than 3 items. 

February 7, 2012


Maya wants to start another paper chain to count down until Christmas......starting NOW.

February 3, 2012


remember this:
The girls continue their tradition of trying to share the blue chair.

Maya's first homework.  She had to create a "hibernation station" for a critter.  Can you tell what she chose?
Sometimes we have to wake Genna up in the afternoon.  I try not to let her go past 4:00.  NICE NAPS!!!!  Other days are no naps :(
Valentine Time.
I dare not tell her she can get tacky Dora/Princess ones at the store.

She is making heart people for school

cut, draw, stamp, print name, add appendages, glue, glitter, repeat x 18