February 24, 2012

One bad chicken

Today Genna did not nap.  That happens occasionally.  She got one very needed diaper change and we tried a re-do.  It didn't take.  She talked and played in her crib for a while and eventually gave in to fussing and calling for Mama.  After a while, I gave up and went to get her.
As soon as I opened her door she did a somersault in her crib, stood up and laughed.
I scooped her up and told her, as Papa often quips, "You're one bad chicken."
To which she replied,
2 little fingers blazoned and all.  See, Jeff has taught her that she is 2, which she is not quite.  Yet, she likes to tell everyone that she is.

I suppose if you just figured out that you can do a somersault in your crib, there is no use in settling down for a nap.  And she is not ONE anything.  She is TWO.  (almost)

Aye, Yenita!

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