February 24, 2013

Home Alone!

Yay for vacation week!  Even though it is Jeff's birthday - he is giving me the gift of solitude.  He and the girls left for Phoenix today.... even took the blasted carseats with them!  I wish I would have made list of things to do so I can take full advantage of my time.

Step one: clearing out the baby clothes for the Mom2Mom sale next weekend.  Man, there's more than I thought.  I thought I got rid of some of this stuff already.

Step 2: Make myself some rolls for sandwich fest week.
 Step 3: Back to sorting.  Grandma, don't tell the girls, but the toy box is next.

The rest of the week is going to be devoted to a lot of sewing and dyeing.  But also a new yoga class, pilates, rock climbing, and uninterrupted sleeping.  Basically, the Real Housewives of Kalamazoo up in here.
Plus, I'll probably have time to update the blog.  Here's the first installment:

Maya has one more b-ball practice.  She has improved so much.  Even hits a surprising amount of shots and is dribbling pretty good!  Look at that air!

ok - gotta go pre-tie some shirts for tomorrow's dyeing.  Love you, girls!  & Jeff!  XOXOXOXO

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