March 19, 2012

26 (or more)

26 is the number of houses we've looked at since last Fall.... off the top of my head.  I am certain I've forgotten a few.  Settling on a home is a nearly impossible task (for us).  We've asked a few agents how many houses people typically look at.  One said 6-8.  Another generously said 15-20.

We've decided to relieve anymore Kalamazoo Realtors the burden of being our "buyers agent" as we've obviously wasted countless hours of a few already.  No one should be stuck with our indecisiveness and list of deal-breakers.  I'm pretty sure we can navigate the MLS ourselves from this point.  ugh!


Bob said...

Wow, that's a lot of houses. Maybe the perfect home for you guys doesn't exist in Kalamazoo.

B.C. Fleecy said...

You hit the nail on the head, Bob.
Perhaps you could omit the last 2 words in your sentence and it would still be accurate.